Training Global Approval & Certification Personnel

REI Sistem Indonesia berqualifikasi dan berpengalaman dalam proses certification & registration buat personil serta organisasi antara lain:

1. PCQI, FSPCA, HARPC, FDA Recognized (Sertifikat Langsung dari USA)
2. FSSC Lead Auditor, Approved FSSC Foundation TO Belanda
3. FSSC IA,Implementation,Understanding Approved FSSC Foundation TO Belanda
4. Ahli SMK3 Kemnaker RI
5. Internal Auditor SMK3 Kemnaker RI
6. IRCA CQI ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001
7. Lead Auditor PECB ISO 37001 Anty Bribery Mgt System
8. Akreditasi KAN ISO 17025
9. Akreditasi 17021 Badan Sertifikasi
10. BPOM, PIRT, HALAL Registration
11. YUM Audit QSA & FSA
12. Certification & Registration lainnya approved BNSP, Kemnaker RI, dll

Our benefits: We give example of documents for implementation, standard reference and high qualified trainer/consultant (Global Approved)
Call us 021-292.194.12
[email protected]; [email protected]